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Protected in 2009

Acreage: 220

Summit County, UT


This is a relatively natural area adjacent to Interstate Highway 80 (I-80) in Summit County near Park City. Vegetation on the Rasmussen Open Space is marked by big sagebrush and grass along with Serviceberry, Gambel oak, bitterbrush, and other shrubs and herbaceous plants that function as food sources and shelter for birds and other wildlife. The Rasmussen Open Space functions as winter range for mule deer and elk. Numerous well-developed mountain-biking and hiking trails are found on the property; which are maintained by the Snyderville Basin Special Recreation District. East Canyon Creek runs through the northwestern portion of the property. East Canyon Creek supports Bonneville cutthroat trout, a sensitive species of high priority for conservation in Utah. The Property includes a large central swale and sidehills on which ephemeral streams occur. The Rasmussen property lies across I-80 to the north of the Hi-Ute Ranch. Nearly 200 acres of the Hi-Ute Ranch near I-80 are also protected by a conservation easement held by Utah Open Lands; the combination of two relatively large, protected areas on opposite sides of I-80 contributes significant scenic value to the area.

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