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It is with a grateful and sorrowful heart that Utah Open Lands says goodbye to Herbert S Armstrong (Herb).  In 2009 Utah Open Lands worked with Herb (Shellie) and Mel (Kerry) Armstrong alongside Park City in the protection of the Armstrong Family Thaynes Canyon Scenic and Wildlife Preserve which is now famously home to the Armstrong Trail

In 2018, we were knee deep in another preservation effort, the Armstrong Snow Ranch Pastures.   These two projects only tell a part of the story of how we knew Herb as an iconic individual in the Park City landscape.  He was a champion of open space and a favorite visitor at the Utah Open Lands office.  (Even with the office dogs, who clearly had a special place in their heart, knowing of his arrival before he even walked up the front steps). 

But what we will remember most about Herb are the stories.  Stories about his grandfather. Stories about milking cows and about his brother Mel and the time that they spent growing up and getting into trouble out on the pastures that he eventually became a huge part of ensuring were saved. 

Our thoughts are with his family.  Our prayers we send on the wings of the red-tail hawk soaring circles above the Pastures.

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